Gujarat Revenue Department has earlier notified the recruitment for 1500 posts of Talati Mantri in various revenue departments and approx 10 lakh of candidates have applied and appeared in the Revenue Gujarat Talati Exam 2014 which was consuted in the month of January 2014. Now the candidates have been waiting for their Gujarat Revenue Talati exam result 2014 and cutoff marks. all those who have appeared in the exam successfully should visit the official site and download their Gujarat Talati Revenue result 2014 and cutoff from the official website now which is now available online. Candidates who wish to check their marks can check it from the online mode only through Gujarat Talati Revenue marks 2014. Marks of the candidates will not be communicated through other means.
Revenue Talati Merit list Declared on To know Revenue Talati Merit list on OJAS official Website. Download Merit list on below link..
official website :
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- Revenue Talati Merit List 1
- Revenue Talati Merit List 2